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ABSTRACT The city of Sorong has several tourist attractions that are becoming well known to local people and those outside the city. The tourist attraction of the city of Sorong lies in its natural panorama, in the form of beaches, forests and hills. One of the beach tourist attractions in Sorong is Kaysarea beach which is located 13 km or can be reached in approximately 26 minutes from the center of Sorong City with paved and sandy roads and can be accessed by four-wheeled, two-wheeled vehicles, whether privately driven or rented. as well as public transportation and motorbike taxis. The Kaysarea Beach area has recently developed into a center. The aim of this research is to assess the level of suitability of beach tourism in Suprau Village, Sorong City, and analyze the carrying capacity value of the suitability of tourist areas in the beach recreation category, in Suprau Village, Sorong City, Southwest Papua. The benefits of this research are to increase information about beach tourism objects, especially for local governments, as well as as knowledge regarding the suitability aspect of beach tourism. The method used in this research is the interview and observation method, while the data analysis method is qualitative descriptive analysis. Data was collected through direct observation at three beach locations: Caesarea Beach, Reuni Beach, and Indah Beach. The results of the analysis show that the level of tourism suitability in this area is relatively high, with the Tourism Suitability Index (IKW) reaching 75%. The area's carrying capacity is also obtained with a value that supports sustainable tourism development, namely 150 visitors per day. This research indicates that the coastal area in Suprau Village has great potential to be developed as an environmentally friendly tourist destination. Recommendations are given for better management so that ecosystem sustainability is maintained and can provide economic benefits for local communities.Keywords: Tourism Suitability, Carrying Capacity, Beach, Ecotourism, Sorong City.
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